Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wed. 6/23/2010: 400 Little Things for a Happy Hump Day

- 2x 15# DBs
- Dip bars
- Squat box with Olympic bar and weight
- 40# KB

1) 50x push press @ 2x 15# DBs
2) 25x push-ups
3) 25x dips (assisted if necessary)
4) 50x sit-ups
5) 25x deadlift @ 115#
6) 25x squats @ 40# KB

REPEAT 2x for a TOTAL of 400 reps

- 20-25 minutes (maybe faster if you're not dragging


This morning I was truly dragging. I don't know what it was, but everything seemed to take longer and my body felt more tired than usual. I took my own advice, though, and when things were feeling harder, rather than trying to rush through the exercise to be done with it, I slowed down and made sure to get quality reps accomplished.

On a separate note, I've got to take my second test in my MBA accounting course today ... wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck Babe! ♥ Good job waking up your body so you could have a sharper mind!
