Friday, June 18, 2010

Quality Friday Workout

- 40# KB & Pull-up / Dip bars

1) - 80 squats; 40 KB swings @ 40#; 20 pull-ups (assisted as needed)
2) - 64 squats; 32 KB swings @ 40#; 16 dips (assisted as needed)
3) - 48 squats; 24 KB swings @ 40#; 12 pull-ups (assisted as needed)
4) - 32 squats; 16 KB swings @ 40#; 8 dips (assisted as needed)
5) - 16 squats; 8 KB swings @ 40#; 4 pull-ups (assisted as needed)

- 15-20 minutes

This was a pretty intense workout for a Friday. When things get tough, I like to slow down and rally focus on the quality of the exercises that I'm doing. A quality squat is one where the thighs get parallel to the ground at the bottom of the squat, and the legs are completely straight at the top of the squat. A quality KB swing is one where you swing the KB above the level of the shoulder so that your arms form at least a 45 degree (or greater) angle to the floor. A quality pull-up is where the arms are straight at the bottom of the pull-up and the entire head is above the bar at the top of the pull-up. A quality dip is where the arms are straight at the top of the dip and upper arms are parallel to the floor at the bottom of the dip.
Slow down and focus on quality, and the results will be worth it. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Good job babe! Now we get to go canoeing for the weekend!
