Monday, June 14, 2010

Upper Legs, Lower Back, & Upper Chest

Deadlift @ 185# -- 21, 15, 9
Inclined Bench Press @ 75# -- 21
@ 95# -- 15
@ 115# -- 9

About 20 minutes (longer if you have to wait on someone to get done with the squat box or (more likely) the inclined bench.

The deadlift is a great weight-lifting exercise to strengthen the legs, lower back, and the core, but it can also be a good way to throw out your back if you don't practice proper form. Three things everyone should remember that should allow you to not injure yourself are during the deadlift are as follows:

1) Leave the bar on the arms that extend out from the squat box (just under waist height) when you put the weight on it. This should also be your starting and ending position for the beginning and end of your sets as well.

2) Make sure to use the weight clips whenever the bar is loaded with weight. I see many people bypass clipping (I don't know why), but all it takes is a slight mistake, and the weight can slide off center causing additional strain on one side of your body--a great way to injure yourself!

3) I find it helpful during a deadlift, to grasp the bar with my thumbs both facing the same direction (mine both face left, but right probably works too); back up from the squat box; find a place on the wall in front of me (about 10-15 feet up) to focus on throughout the lift; keep my shoulders and arms straight; and squat down with the bar as close to my legs as possible (don't scrape your legs with the bar, because that really hurts) until the weight almost touches the ground; finally, push with my legs until I'm back to a standing position.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Babe, you are awesome at making me feel like a lump! ♥ ☺ ♥
