Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oblique Abs & Legs

- Tabata Rage Ball (sit in 45 degree sit-up position with a 14# medicine ball, and touch the ball on the right side and then on the left), 8 sets of 20 sec exercise + 10 sec rest.
- Tabata Bob & Weave with 2x 20# dumb bells (DBs) (stand next to a bar at shoulder height in the squat box; hold DBs at chest level; bob back and forth under the bar -- remember to keep your back straight), 8 sets of 20 sec exercise + 10 sec rest.
- Tabata Decline push-up over DBs (place DBs on the ground; feet on a bench; push-up as deep as possible between the DBs), 8 sets or 20 sec exercise + 10 sec rest.
- Tabata Floor Wipers @ 135# (lay with back on the ground; hold weight in locked-out bench-press position; lift legs perpendicular to floor and wipe legs from left to right so your legs make the motion of a windshield wiper in the air), 8 sets of 20 sec exercise + 10 sec rest.

- Bonus: 100 squats with a 50# kettlebell (KB) ... remember to focus on a position on the wall in front of you to prevent back injuries.

- 16 minutes for the 4 Tabata exercises + about 3-4 min for the squats = 19-20 min total.

Look at the Hotel Room 1 post for further explanations on Tabata exercises.

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