Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday 7/22/2010: Man-makers & Abs

- 2x 25# DBs
- 14# medicine ball

1) 10x man-makers @ 2x 25# DBs. A man-maker is like a Burpee while holding weights throughout the entire movement. The differences betweeen a man-maker and a burpee (other than the DBs) are that when you go from the standing position to the up push-up position (before the push-up) you do a one-arm row with each arm, and when you stand back up after the push-up, you execute a clean and press with both DBs (instead of a jump and clap with the burpee)
2) 30x rage ball @ 14# medicine ball
3) 30x 2-count flutter kicks

REPEAT steps 1-3, 5 times for a TOTAL of 50x man-makers + 150x rage ball + 150x flutter kicks

- about 25 minutes


I was completely spent after 4 rounds of these exercises, and I very nearly decided to call it good after only 4 rounds. (I think the man-maker and the Turkish get-up must be related, because they are both complete killers). This was a great way to start the morning!

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