Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday 7/27/2010: Flying Farmer Pull-ups

- 2x 50# KBs
- pull-up bar

1) 50 meters of flying burpees (as far as I know, the flying burpee was first developed by Gym Jones. It is similar to a regular burpee, but instead of the vertical jump and clap after the push-up, you execute a broad jump [jump as far forward as you can])
2) 50 meters of farmer carry @ 2x 50# KBs
3) 10 pull-ups

REPEAT 1)-3) 3X for a TOTAL of 150 meters of flying burpee + 150 meters of farmer carry + 30 pull-ups.

- 20 minutes


This workout may not look like much on paper (that's how I felt this morning), but the flying burpees are an absolute killer! The thing about the flying burpees that makes them so hard is that you're not doing a certain number of them, you're doing a certain distance of them...this means that you want the broad jump to be for as great a distance as possible, but extremely long broad jumps require a lot of leg power, and the legs were zapped pretty quickly.

At the end of this workout, I was pretty spent from head to toe.

Monday 7/26/2010: Box, dip & hang

- 24" box
- pull-up / dip bar

1) 20 box jumps @ 24" box + 20 dips + 20 hanging KTEs; 2 rounds
2) 15 box jumps @ 24" box + 15 dips + 15 hanging KTEs; 2 rounds
3) 10 box jumps @ 24" box + 10 dips + 10 hanging KTEs; 2 rounds
4) 5 box jumps @ 24" box + 5 dips + 5 hanging KTEs; 2 rounds

For a TOTAL of 100 box jumps + 100 dips + 100 KTEs

- 20 minutes


This was a great exercise today. After a long weekend of not working out, the box jumps were surprisingly not as bad as I thought they would be. The dips got pretty tough about half way through the workout, and the hanging KTEs always make the abs burn... feel the burn!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday 7/22/2010: Man-makers & Abs

- 2x 25# DBs
- 14# medicine ball

1) 10x man-makers @ 2x 25# DBs. A man-maker is like a Burpee while holding weights throughout the entire movement. The differences betweeen a man-maker and a burpee (other than the DBs) are that when you go from the standing position to the up push-up position (before the push-up) you do a one-arm row with each arm, and when you stand back up after the push-up, you execute a clean and press with both DBs (instead of a jump and clap with the burpee)
2) 30x rage ball @ 14# medicine ball
3) 30x 2-count flutter kicks

REPEAT steps 1-3, 5 times for a TOTAL of 50x man-makers + 150x rage ball + 150x flutter kicks

- about 25 minutes


I was completely spent after 4 rounds of these exercises, and I very nearly decided to call it good after only 4 rounds. (I think the man-maker and the Turkish get-up must be related, because they are both complete killers). This was a great way to start the morning!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday 7/21/2010: Row and Bench

- Bench press benches (incline, decline, and flat) with Olympic bar and weights
- Rowing machine with weight

1) 60x row @ 50# + 10x incline bench press @ 95#
2) 60x row @ 50# + 10x flat bench press @ 115#
3) 60x row @ 50# + 10x decline bench press @ 135#
4) 60x row @ 50# + 10x flat bench press @ 115#
5) 60x row @ 50# + 10x incline bench press @ 95#

For a TOTAL of 300x row + 50x bench press

- 20 minutes is a pretty good pace


Although I mostly like to do more cardio / total body type workouts, this bench press and rowing exercise is a great upper body one (it becomes more total body if you have an actual rowing machine like a Concept II because you'll use your legs far more than row exercises on a weight machine).

The bench press has always been one of my least favorite weight lifting exercises because I've never been able to bench press a lot of weight. I have long arms and smaller shoulders, and I need to be careful with how much weight I bench because whenever I try to increase the weight too quickly I tend to strain the tendons in my shoulders. In my opinion, it's always better to do more repetitions with less weight (while exercising a full ROM) than to use a lot of weight and potentially injure yourself ... if you're injured you won't be able to get any good workouts in until you recover.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday 7/20/2010: Deadlift - Lats - Pecs

- Olympic bar with weight
- Lat pull-down machine
- parallel bars

1) 20x deadlift @ 135# + 20x lat pull-down @ 100# + 20x push-ups between parallel bars (parallel push-ups)
2) 15x deadlift @ 135# + 15x lat pull-down @ 100# + 15x parallel push-ups
3) 10x deadlift @ 135# + 10x lat pull-down @ 100# + 10x parallel push-ups
4) 5x deadlift @ 135# + 5x lat pull-down @ 100# + 5x parallel push-ups

For a TOTAL of 50x deadlift + 50x lat pull-down + 50x parallel push-ups

- about 15 minutes


Remember to always spot the high wall when doing deadlifts so you don't throw out your back. I like to really focus on my legs and glutes when I'm doing deadlift, since this is where the power of the lift comes from (if you're feeling the deadlift more in your back than in your legs and glutes, it's because you're form is off).

When doing lat pull-downs, don't fall into the trap that many people do by pulling the bar down to the base of the back of your neck. I don't know why this is taught as the proper way to do a lat pull-down, but this type of pull-down can cause injury. The more-correct way to execute a lat pull-down is to pull the bar down in front of you to about chest level.

Monday 7/19/2010: Get-up - Pull - Press

- 2x 25# DBs
- Pull-up bar

1) 10x (5x each side) Turkish Get-ups (TGUs) @ 25# DB + 10x pull-ups
2) 8x TGUs @ 25# DB + 8x pull-ups
3) 6x TGUs @ 25# + 6x pull-ups
4) 4x TGUs @ 25# + 4x pull-ups
5) 2x TGUs @ 25# + 2x pull-ups

BONUS: 30 second descending push press ladder @ 2x 25# DBs. Do 10 push press first 30 seconds, 9 next 30 seconds, 8 next 30 seconds, until you do 1 rep in the last 30 seconds. This will give you a TOTAL of 55 push press @ 2x 25# DBs in 5 minutes.

- 20 minutes


Turkish Get-ups are always one of my favorite exercises for a total-body workout. Any workout that includes TGUs has got to be a pretty good workout in my opinion.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday 7/15/2010: Easy Abs in the Hotel Room

- None needed

1) 30x crunches + 5 push-ups
2) 30sec V sit + 5 push-ups
3) 30sec up push-up position + 5 push-ups
4) 30sec supine leg lift (lay on back and keep feet extended and 6" off the floor) + 5 push-ups
5) 30sec right plank + 5 push-ups
6) 30sec left plank + 5 push-ups
7) 30sec front plank + 5 push-ups
8) 30sec rest

REPEAT 1)-8) 3X for a total of 90x crunches + 115x push-ups + 1.5 min of all ab exercises

- 16 minutes


This is one of the best workouts I like to do whenever I'm away from home because I can get up and get in a great and quick abdominal workout right in the hotel room.

Wednesday 7/14/2010: 40-30-20-10

- 14# medicine ball
- 2x 25# DBs and a squat box with a bar
- 2x 20# DBs
- Lat pull down machine

1) 40x rage ball @ 14# medicine ball
2) 30x bob and weave @ 2x 25# DBs
3) 20x push press @ 2x 20# DBs
4) 10x lat pull downs @ 100#

REPEAT 1)-4) 3X, for a total of 120x rage ball + 90x bob and weave + 60x push press + 30x lat pull downs.

- about 15 minutes


At the end of this workout I was pretty spent, but probably could have pushed through one more round. I think I'll make this 4 rounds instead of 3 rounds next time.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday 7/13/2010: Thank Goodness for Industrial Fans

- Pull-up / Dip bar

1) 15 burpees + 30 squats; (3 rounds)
2) 10 pull-ups + 2 dips
3) 8 pull-ups + 4 dips
4) 6 pull-ups + 6 dips
5) 4 pull-ups + 8 dips
6) 2 pull-ups + 10 dips

for a TOTAL of 45 burpees + 90 squats + 30 pull-ups + 30 dips

- 15 - 20 minutes


Yesterday I took home my towel from the gym, but I forgot to put a clean towel back in my gym bag this morning. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I didn't have a towel until after I got done working out. Fortunately, there are a couple of industrial fans in the mens' locker room, so I was able to take my shower and then fan dry myself. I must remember to bring a clean towel tomorrow.

Monday 7/12/2010: The Legs ... They Burn

- Olympic bar with weight
- 24" box

1) 25 deadlifts @ 135# + 50 box jumps @ 24" box
2) 15 deadlifts @ 135# + 30 box jumps @ 24" box
3) 10 deadlifts @ 135# + 20 box jumps @ 24" box

for a TOTAL of 50 deadlifts @ 135# + 100 box jumps @ 24" box

- about 15 minutes


This exercise was a good one to get the day started (especially after the weekend) because it gets the legs all pumped and burning. Oh what a wonderful feeling!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday 7/8/2010: Hot Day in the Gym

- Squat box with Olympic bar and weight
- Weight Bench
- 45# KB

1) 20x squats @ 115# + 20x laying KTE; 5 rounds
2) KB swing descending ladder @ 45# -- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

-15 - 20 minutes


Here in Richmond, VA we have been hit with a nice heat wave. Apparently yesterday was the 104 degrees, and was the 4th record-setting hot day in a row (all over 100 degrees). I don't know if the gym was trying to save energy, or if their AC unit is malfunctioning, but it was stinking hot inside the gym today.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday 7/7/2010: Tabata and Turkish stuff

- 2x DBs @ 20#, 1x DB @ 25#, 1x DB @ 30#, 1x DB @ 35#
- 14# medicine ball

1) Tabata push press @ 2x 20# DBs (4 minutes)
2) Tabata ball slam @ 14# medicine ball (4 minutes)
3) Turkish get-ups:
- 8x each side @ 25# DB
- 5x each side @ 30# DB
- 2x each side @ 35# DB

- 15 minutes


The Turkish get up is still one of my favorite (and least favorite) exercises. It is one of my favorite because it is such a good exercise for strengthening the core, but it is one of my least favorite because it takes so much out of me.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday 7/1/2010: 10 Minute Circuit

- 50# KB
- Pull-up bar

1st "lap") 20x KB swing @ 50# + 15x Knee-to-elbows (KTEs) + 10x push-ups + 5x squats @ 50#
2nd "lap") 15x KB swing @ 50# + 10x KTEs + 5x push-ups + 20x squats @ 50#
3rd "lap") 10x KB swing @ 50# + 5x KTEs + 20x push-ups + 15x squats @ 50#
4th "lap") 5x KB swing @ 50# + 20x KTEs + 15x push-ups + 10x squats @ 50#

- about 10 minutes

This morning I saw a lady in the gym walking on the treadmill while wearing a dress shirt and matching ankle length skirt ... I've never thought of that sort of clothing as being good for working out in, but I'll have to give it some more thought ... it was interesting anyhow.